% make fire
Make: Don't know how to make fire. Stop.
% ^How did the sex change^ operation go?
Modifier failed.
% If I had a ( for every $ Congress spent, what would I have?
Too many ('s.
% man: why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.
% %blow
%blow: No such job.
% cd ~god
Unknown user: god.
% ar m God
ar: God does not exist
% make love
Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop.
% sleep with me
bad character
% ^What is saccharine?
Bad substitute.
% alias alias alias
alias: Too dangerous to alias that.
cat: cannot open catfood
% rm God
rm: God nonexistent
% ar r God
ar: creating God
% scan for <<"Arnold Schwarzenegger"^J^D
"Arnold Schwarzenegger": << terminator not found
% look into "my eyes"
look: cannot open my eyes
% lost
lost: not found
% mkdir yellow_pages; cat > yellow_pages
yellow_pages: Is a directory
% ar x "my love life"
ar: my love life does not exist
% touch Brüste
touch: kann „Brüste“ nicht berühren: Keine Berechtigung
% apropos "Schuhe für Freundin"
Schuhe für Freundin: nichts passendes.
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